
Based on the true story, set between years 1924 and 1954, the film depicts life, work and separation of the German brothers Adolf and Rudolf Dassler that leads to the foundation of two sportswear empires Adidas and Puma... The world of sports is hardly imaginable without them: the Dassler brothers. Hailing from a small German town, Adolf "Adi" Dassler and his brother Rudolf are very different in temperament and practically everything else. The only thing they seem to agree on is their mission: to produce the perfect sports shoe. Given their unique talents – Adi is the tinkerer and inventor, Rudi the hard-nosed businessman – the brothers ideally complement each other. Their Achilles' heel, however, are their women. Jealousy flares up when Adi's dynamic wife decides to work in the firm while Rudi's adheres to the tradition. Misunderstandings lead to arguments that ultimately cause a company melt-down: the two brothers break up the firm and become rivals... Based on the true story of sportswear empires Adidas and Puma. (Cinemax)

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