Runaway Jury

  • UK Runaway Jury (more)
USA, 2003, 127 min (Alternative: 123 min)


Jury consultant Rankin Fitch (Gene Hackman) can spin any jury in favor of his client. At least he always could before. But his latest job may turn out to be his most challenging. As an explosive civil case goes to trial in New Orleans, Fitch thinks he has arranged for the perfect jury and has the verdict sealed in favor of his client, a gun manufacturer. Soon, however, he starts receiving phone calls from the mysterious Marlee (Rachel Weisz), who claims that she can turn the jury any way she wants and--for a price--she'll spin it his way. Meanwhile, Marlee is making the same offer to the plaintiff's lawyer, Wendell Rohr (Dustin Hoffman), a Southern gentleman who always plays by the rules. Marlee's insider is Juror #9, Nick Easter (John Cusack), who is working with her to influence his fellow jurors. Are these two just grifters in it for the money, or do they have another agenda? (official distributor synopsis)


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