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Reviews (2,881)


Brothers (2015) 

English An excellent remake of the not very attractive Warrior. The film could be divided into two parts, in the first we are introduced to the story and characters, with all involved doing solid acting to the point of theatrics and surprisingly working with empathy. In the second part, Brothers gives us an hour and a half nerve-wracking MMA ride that surpasses anything seen so far from this franchise. Upsides: the amazingly filmed stadium, with live broadcast, and its atmosphere draws you in so much that you feel like you're sitting in the stands cheering with fans and viewers all over India; 10 opponents, each from a different country and we learn interesting facts about each one's past, which I consider a big plus; the best training and preparation that puts even Rocky to shame; a perfect soundtrack throughout the film; emotions so strong that you hold a handkerchief in your hand for half the film; and most importantly the fights!. The have amazing cinematography, solid choreography, every fighter is in perfect physical condition, all backed by an immersive atmosphere, charisma, authenticity and humanity. The whole film you are screaming, swearing, cheering, sweating and your nose is bleeding with joy just like the participants in the ring. A gem that takes Warrior down both action-wise and emotionally. I don't mind the running time, I’m not complaining about anything. 95%.


Sicario (2015) 

English Sicario describes with surgical precision the fatal and bloody profanation of Mexico during the long Cartel War. Perfectly shot, wonderfully cast, darkly atmospheric, disturbing, brutal and a solid plot, this is what Sicario undoubtedly offers. As highlights I would single out the mighty Benicio Del Toro who steals the finale all to himself, the crushing soundtrack that gets under your skin and the perfect atmospheric nighttime thermal vision scene (a whole new thing). To reach perfection, I would only add to the pace, which is rather lukewarm, and I would definitely add more dead bodies – the scene where four people hang naked upside down from the bridge without limbs will please many a horror eye, and this is supposedly a daily occurrence in this town!! Great job. 80%.


Visceral: Between the Ropes of Madness (2012) 

English Surprisingly decent gore and insane torture scenes for a low budget, but for a film that barely speaks and has no plot, there could have been more of it, because if they are not killing someone, you get eaten alive with boredom. Self-indulgent tribute films are not my thing, I don't enjoy them and suffer while watching them like the victims in the film. But I give this one 3* because of the boldness of the depiction of violence and the twisted ending. If the film had more acceptable visuals and some sort of plot (a silly one at least) I would have enjoyed it more.


The Intern (2015) 

English The Intern is the kind of movie that literally lifts your spirits and makes your day. The whole thing is incredibly sweet, cute, nostalgic, touching and so right. The film nicely illustrates the differences between classical and modern culture, but it's also very indicative of today's relationships and marriages. Robert De Niro clearly sends a message here of how a proper man should look and behave in today's society, and he has great chemistry with Anne Hathaway, who, on the other hand, is already corrupted by modern times and feels uncomfortable in De Niro's presence as she observes flaws and mistakes in herself. So not only is the film great to watch and something for everyone, there is also Zack Pearlman who entertains the entire audience with his humor and gestures every time he’s on screen. I wouldn't be surprised if he grows up to be a future star on the comedy scene. So simply put, funny, beautiful, touching, well acted, clever, nicely thought out and the first film in history where the whole cinema started clapping and hugging when it was over, it adds incredibly to the final experience. I recommend it. 90%


Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) 

English Hitman: Agent 47 is an honest insult to the action genre. I forgive a lot in action movies, but I'm going to give a pass to second-rate action with epileptic editing and terrible CGI reminiscent of SyFy productions. Bad in every way: weak story, an unlikeable piece of wood in the lead role, dull visuals and sets, minimal connection to the game, and lots of action that is both disgustingly over-edited and artificial (we don't hear the explosions they go off, we don't hear the crunch when a neck breaks), this is the kind fo stuff that makes people angry and them do unfair things. The trailer is better than the film itself. 1* for seeing the film at home and not in the cinema. Aleksander Bach should shake hands with Olivier Megaton and watch Asian action movies compulsorily. 25%.


Meat (2010) 

English A pretty decent perverted film about a butcher with sexual desires. There is plenty of nudity, sex and sexual harassment, but what I found lacking to my satisfaction was gore, which doesn't occur here at all. This could have been decent and wild, but it’s just a weird psychological probe into an introvert's soul. Interesting as an experimental film, but not shocking or effective enough for me. 60%


La Dernière Chasse aux sorcières (2015) 

English Slow and not-so-furious. The idea itself isn't bad at all, but the story is poor for how serious it is, there are no wisecracks (well, maybe two), there’s surprisingly very little action and not very impressive, unfortunately (the 90 million budget could have been used much better). A pathetic three stars for not suffering while watching it. The film is suitable for a rainy Sunday afternoon for the whole family. Not worth going to the cinema for. Seventh Son was considerably better. 55%.


Beasts of No Nation (2015) 

English A solid film with the best child acting I've ever seen. Beasts of no Nation portrays uncompromisingly, brutally, harshly, emotionally and very realistically the civil war in Africa with a terrifying leader, Idris Elba, who is serious about winning an Oscar. The running time doesn't matter at all, the film is brisk and very engaging. A surprising indie genre film. 80%.


Bone Tomahawk (2015) 

English Thanks to Bone Tomahawk my girlfriend got laid again. Nothing happens at all for 90% of the film, which at 133 minutes is literally Martyrs of the highest caliber for me. (Those who like boredom and slow narrative will be in their element). An aimless wandering through a desolate landscape with a not very interesting story and with uninteresting dialogues that will not make you smile or even think, in short, it is not interesting. What is nice, though, is surprisingly decent cast and about three nice good scenes at the end, but I could have watched that on YouTube in five minutes and would have saved myself two hours twenty minutes. The savages and their screams are impressive, but putting the cards on the table at a time when the viewer is disgusted and bored is something that not even Indiana Jones would have been able to save. 50% so for the production quality and the actors, but otherwise boring. The scariest thing about the film so far is the rating. Story 5/10, Atmosphere 3/10, Gore 5/10, Visuals 6/10, Action 1/10, Entertainment 2/10.


Black Mass (2015) 

English Johnny Depp at his best! It's great to see Johnny back after all those failures and even in such a demonic performance. The story is interesting, and it almost always is if you tell a story about the most feared gangster. The film also has a very enjoyable pace, a raw delivery at times and the highlight is the dinner at a table of friends where the tension hangs in the air and makes makes you feel sick, yes that's how disturbing Depp is. The finale, typical of these gangster biopics, is also pleasing, giving real details of all involved. If you like gangster films, you should be satisfied. 80%.