Her Way

  • France Une femme du monde
Trailer 3
France, 2021, 97 min (Alternative: 93 min)


Marie (Laure Calamy) is a single mother and sex worker in Strasbourg; independent in her private life and unapologetic about her profession, she is an active member of a cooperative that campaigns for greater respect and police protection. Adrien, her aimless and apathetic 17-year-old son, has just been expelled from school, and, pessimistic about his prospects, is considering a career in the armed forces. Hope is not lost as the boy has an aptitude for cooking, and with the help of her colleagues, Marie schools him for the entrance exam for a prestigious culinary institute that is willing to overlook his underachieving ways. The tuition fees, however, are beyond the scope of her earnings, leading Marie to consider a course of action with potentially dangerous consequences. (Cinemax)


Videos (3)

Trailer 3
Trailer 3
D: French S: English
Trailer 2
Trailer 2
D: French
Trailer 1
Trailer 1
D: French