Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America

Comedy / Sci-fi / Experimental
USA, 1992, 48 min

Directed by:

Craig Baldwin


Craig Baldwin


Jimmy Carter (a.f.), Fidel Castro (a.f.), Dwight D. Eisenhower (a.f.), Howard Hughes (a.f.), John F. Kennedy (a.f.), Henry Kissinger (a.f.) (more)


Baldwin’s "pseudo-pseudo-documentary" presents a factual chronicle of US intervention in Latin America in the form of the ultimate far-right conspiracy theory, combining space aliens, environmental catastrophe, cattle mutilations, killer bees, religious prophecy, covert action, and just about every other crackpot theory under the sun. A juggernaut of hard truths, deadpan irony, and found-footage – industrials, graphs, cartoons, movies from Hollywood B to Mexican Z – TRIBULATION 99 constructs a truly perverse vision of American colonialism. (official distributor synopsis)

